Sunday, September 25, 2016

Part 4- How Can Realtors Make Money With Custom Home Builders?


Part 4- How Can Realtors Make Money With Custom Home Builders?


Is there another way to make money when you have a Custom Home Builder on your team? You bet there is! 

Let’s say, you have been working with a home seller for the last 5 1/2 months and you just can't get a deal to stick on their home. The sellers are getting restless and you think “if I don't make something happen soon these owners are going to cancel my listing and hire another Realtor.” All your hard work is about to go down the drain. To your relief, you get another offer on the home and the inspection is all set for tomorrow. Great! 

Unfortunately, the home buyers inspector finds something wrong with the structure of the home and you need someone to provide an answer fast or the deal is going to fall through. The inspector says, it’s going to cost thousands and weeks to fix it. 

This is where having a Custom Home Building Buddy is going to pull your chestnuts out of the fire! You call up your Builder Buddy and he says, I’ll be right there! He knows you have sent him a few remodel leads and he owes you a favor. The Builder meets you at the home the same afternoon. He understands the issue immediately because he’s observed the exact problem on other homes and knows just the guy to fix it for you. 

Since the Builder knows you are in a tight situation with the closing looming he gets it fixed for you the next business day. He uses subcontractors everyday and has a lot of fire power in the market place. The sub’s want his continued business so they perform like “trained seals”. The issue gets fixed quickly and way under budget. You the Realtor looks like a hero and the closing proceeds as scheduled. 

Ka-Ching, another commission check hits your bank account!

One more example of team work that pays! The buyer on one of your listings just loves the sellers home but wants a home with an in-law suite. Unfortunately, you don't have any listings in the neighborhood the buyer wants but the lot looks big enough to accommodate an addition. You call up you Builder Buddy and he provides a deal saving estimate for you in 24 hours. That's a win-win for both of you.



Have an awesome day!




1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful home that looks very well built. It's the perfect combination of class, color, and has an imaginary feel to it. It's awesome that we have services like this that build nice custom homes like this one
    custom home houston
