Friday, March 20, 2015

Building a New Custom Home Is Fun!

Building a New Custom Home Is Fun!

Why does gambling in Las Vegas have such a wonderful reputation? Talk to anyone that has just returned from Vegas and ask them about their experience. We had a wonderful time! Did you gamble while you were there? Oh, yes! How did you do at the casino? The normal response, we won a little, came out ahead or we were ahead until the last day.

If the wife is out of ear shot the husband will say, I was ahead but my wife lost it on the last day.

How can everyone that goes to Las Vegas come home ahead or break even? Have you see that place? It's built on loosers!

Ask a friend that just bought a new car if they are happy with their purchase? The typical response, I love my car and I got a great deal! How can everyone that buys a new car get a great deal?

Whenever I go to a dealership I get an uneasy feeling, like a lamb being led to slaughter. Their process is so slick it looks like a game of "Three Card Monty". When I leave a dealership, I feel like I've been squeezed like a loaf of Wonder Bread!

It's difficult for me to believe that everyone is getting a great deal.

On the other hand, when people hear that you are having a new home built the typical reply is, I hope you have a solid marriage, good luck you'll need it or how are you getting along with you builder?

As a Builder I can't understand why Vegas and car buying have such a positive reputation and home building the complete opposite?

Why is it that people that gamble and buy new cars are only willing to talk about the experience in a positive manner and homebuyers are not?

Frankly, not all of the homeowners that buy a Regal Classic Home are ecstatic over the experience but many of our Clients are. Many have said, I've really enjoyed building our home and I'm going to miss this. 

Building a custom home is a major investment of time and money. Not everyone is geared for the experience. Clients that expect life to be perfect usually don't fair well.. 

It's an opportunity to dream a dream and then watch that dream become a reality. We build a prototype together. A one of a kind never been built before home. 

Even if the house plan has been built previously, the site conditions are different as well as all the Client selections. This is a one of a kind home.

Clients need to be good at negotiating win, wins. between their spouise as well as other members of the team.

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