Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Should I Get Propane Or Electric For My Custom Home?

Should I Get Propane Or Electric For My Custom Home?

Some building lots have natural gas available. If your home is one of them, natural gas is better as it's les expensive and available on demand as opposed to propane which has to be refilled.

The next choice is between gas and electric. If you grew up in the south then you are use to having all electric appliances. Everyone, in the north is use to having gas. Using electric to heat your home in the winter is prohibit ably expensive so northern homes pipe in gas to all their appliances.

If you are use to having all electric appliances the first thing you have to get past is the fear of using gas. Propane and natural gas is perfectly safe, millions of people use it in the US safely. The other fear, can you cook with it? With a little practice, you'll get use to it. As a matter of fact, all the top chefs use gas and actually prefer it.

Every appliance that you hook up to gas saves you 1/3 the total energy cost that you would pay if you were hooked up to electric. Like Joe Biden says, that's a big deal! Additionally, the recovery time for a gas water heater is much faster than electric. It's almost impossible to run out of hot water when you have a gas water heater.

Most Central Florida Homes have a water heater, stove, fireplace, spa heater and a BBQ grill. All of these can be connected to gas and save you lots of money. Additionally, you can get an outside fire pit, fireplace or torches.

Now you know, sometimes it's a good thing when you have gas!

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