Monday, November 9, 2015

Part 9- How To Have A Successful Custom Home Building Experience

Part 9- How To Have A Successful Custom Home Building Experience

From the Builders perspective.

Homeowners that are willing to be guided because they trust the Builder's judgement. This is perhaps one of the more difficult issue for Owners (see How To Select A Custom Home Builder). Most of the time we build homes for successful professionals or business owners. They are strong leaders and have powerful personalities. Building a new Custom Home is a major decision for them and there is a great deal of money on the line. It’s probably one of the largest personal purchases they have ever made so it has their attention.

I often tell friends, building a new Custom Home asks a lot from buyers. They meet the Builder a few times and before you know it, it’s time to sign a contract for more money than they have ever personally invested. They hand over a large deposit check to the Builder and say, treat me gently. Frankly, it takes a lot of trust to sign a contract for hundreds of thousand of dollars with  somebody you just recently met.

To help Homeowners get to the point where they feel comfortable to move forward with their building decision I provide a copy of my new book, (Custom Home Building Secrets), have them visit my personal home, meet my wife and daughter, provide homeowner and trade references, walk through a recently completed home and multiple meetings to answer all their questions. At some point the Owners have to make the decision to trust me.

They have to be willing to follow a process. It starts with being prequalified at a local financial institution and ends with them moving into their new home. Meeting with our Architect, Interior Designer and Realtor. A process that we have used to successfully guide Homeowners over the years. It minimizes stress on the Owners and maximizes efficiency.

Scenario 1- Mr. & Mrs. Meadows met with me to discuss building their home. They were referred to me by their attorney after getting ripped off by another Builder. After their last experience they were justifiably cautious. I helped them develop a plan that conformed to the radical shape of their property and budget requirements. They listened carefully to my advice and suggestions as we developed their home. They implemented my advice, were delighted with their home and have remained friends even though they have since sold their home and now live in St. Petersburg. They recently called to refer a new home building client.

Scenario 2- Mr. & Mrs. Unnamed met with me on a lot that they own in downtown Orlando. One of the first questions I asked, have you been prequalified by your lender? Though they had not been prequalified, they assured me that financing a new home would not be an issue. I provided the contact information for a loan officer that we have used on many occasions. Over the following weeks we met several times. At each meeting I asked, have you contacted our loan officer yet and been pre qualified for a loan. Finally prior to our 4th meeting they called to cancel the project due to unforeseen, financial difficulties. We had multiple meeting with our architect and one meeting with our Interior Designer. Countless hours were spent drawing, pricing preliminary plans and the Owners lost money paying for plans that were now worthless. All because they resisted following a process that helps them save time and money.

When you decide to move forward with a selected Custom Home Builder remember, he is there to earn your business and guide you wisely.

Have an awesome day!


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